More great stuff for kids from other areas of ChristiansUnite.
» Hundreds of Bible Quizzes to do online.
» A good variety of crossword puzzles, also to do online.
» Some clean jokes for kids, and about kids.
» Links to other Kids' Ministries and fun sites.
Special Links:
» The Children's Bible provides, in simple English, a translation of selections from both the Old and the New Testament. These selections have been made as a result of more than twenty-five years of observation and study. The text is that of the Bible itself, but in the language of the child, so that it may easily be read to the younger children and by those who are older. It is not in words of one syllable, for while the child is reading the Bible he should gradually learn the meaning of new words and idioms.
» Let the Little Children Come offers child evangelism resources, tracts for kids, and other tools to help you share the Gospel with children.