Bible Stories About The Apostles
THESE BIBLE STORIES about the Apostles deal with the early Church, and were taken mainly from the Book of Acts.
These Stories of the Apostles were written down as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
We hope that you will enjoy these stories, helping you to understand the Bible better, which is the Word of God.
A Note to Parents and Teachers: Each of these stories has a printable version, so that they can be used in Sunday School, homeschooling, or as a
daily devotional. Choose the print icon
located at the top right of the story page, to load a print version.
Story Title | Bible Reference |
The Coming of the Holy Spirit | Acts 1:15 to Acts 2:47 |
Peter Heals The Crippled Beggar | Acts 3:1 to Acts 4:31 |
Ananias and Sapphira, Two Hypocrites in the Early Church | Acts 4:32 to Acts 5:11 |
The Apostles Are Imprisoned | Acts 5:12-42 |
The Stoning of Stephen | Acts 6:1 to Acts 8:2 |
Simon - A Man Who Tried to Buy the Holy Spirit | Acts 8:1-25 |
The Ethiopian Eunuch - Philip Preaches to a Stranger on a Lonely Road | Acts 8:26-40 |
Saul Persecuting the Christians, and His Dramatic Conversion | Acts 9:1-20 |
Paul in Damascus - Let Down in a Basket and Rescued | Acts 9:21-32; Acts 22:17-21; Galations 1:17-24 |
Aeneas Healed, and Dorcas Brought Back to Life | Acts 9:32-43 |
The Great Sheet Let Down from Heaven; Peter & Cornelius | Acts 10:1 to Acts 11:18 |
Peter is Arrested, Then Released from Prison by an Angel | Acts 12 |
The Church at Antioch - Where Believers Were First Called Christians | Acts 11:19-30 |
The First Missionaries in the Early Church | Acts 13:1 to Acts 14:7 |
How Idol-Worshipers in Lystra Treated Barnabas and Paul | Acts 14:8-28 |
A Puzzling Question, and How it was Answered | Acts 15:1-34 |
The Second Missionary Journey | Acts 15:36 to Acts 16:15 |
Paul and Silas are Arrested and Meet The Philippian Jailor | Acts 16:16-40 |
The Gospel First Preached in Other Cities of Macedonia | Acts 17:1-15 |
Paul Tells the Wise Men of Greece about the Unknown God | Acts 17:16 to Acts 18:23 |
How Ephesus Received the Gospel | Acts 18:24 to Acts 19:20 |
The Uproar Demetrius Caused in Ephesus | Acts 19:21 to Acts 20:4 |
Paul, The Faithful Missionary and His Last Farewell | Acts 20:5 to Acts 21:17 |
Paul is Seized by the Mob, then Arrested | Acts 21:18 to Acts 23:10 |
Paul in Chains, Brought Before Felix, and Left in Jail | Acts 23:11 to Acts 24:27 |
King Agrippa Listens to Paul's Story | Acts 25 to Acts 26 |
Paul is Shipwrecked | Acts 27 |
Paul on the Island of Melita, and Bitten by a Viper | Acts 28:1-10 |
The Last of Paul's Journey, and His Life in a Roman Prison | Acts 28:11-31; Philemon; Colossians; 2 Timothy |
Things We Learn from the Epistles | The Epistles |
What God's Faithful Servant, John, Saw While Exiled on Patmos | The Book of Revelation |