Jesus Heals the Nobleman's Son
John 4:45-54
Jesus says to the nobleman, "Return to your home without me, for your son will not die."
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ANY PEOPLE WHO lived in the country of Galilee were eager to see Jesus. They had heard about his first miracle at Cana, where he turned water into wine, and they had also heard about his teachings and his miracles performed in Jerusalem during the Feast of the Passover. Now when he left Sychar and returned with his disciples to their country, the news of his coming spread rapidly from one city to another, and the Galilean people hoped he would come to their cities and perform miracles among them, too.
But one man did not wait until Jesus should come to his home city before going out to see him. This man lived in Capernaum, a city that had been built on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He was one of the rulers in that city, and he was also called a nobleman. In the eyes of the poor who lived near his home he was a great man indeed; for he did not despise them, as did many of the rulers of the Jews.
Sorrow had come into the home of this nobleman, his little son lay sick with a burning fever, and the doctors could not make him well. Hearing of Jesus, the nobleman decided to seek this wonderful prophet and beg him to come to Capernaum to heal his child. So he left his home one night and hurried to Cana, where Jesus was.
When the nobleman found the place where Jesus was stopping, he called to see the wonderful prophet of Galilee. He told Jesus about his sick child lying at home at the point of death, and he asked Jesus to go with him to Capernaum to heal the child.
But Jesus answered, "Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe that I am sent of God."
The nobleman was very much in earnest. He cried out, "Sir, if you do not come down at once, my little son will be dead when we reach home."
Then Jesus spoke kindly to this distressed father. he said, "Return to your home without me, for your son will not die."
The nobleman believed Jesus' words and turned back to Capernaum. He did not fear any longer that death would snatch his dear child away from his loving care, for Jesus had said that the child should be well again.
When he came near to Capernaum, his servants came to meet him with glad tidings. They said, "Your son is no longer sick."
"At what time," asked the nobleman, "did he begin to get well?
And the servants replied, "His fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour of the day."
The ruler knew that Jesus had spoken to him at that very hour, and he believed surely that it was the power of this prophet that had saved the life of his child. Not only this nobleman, but all his household, too, believed in Jesus when they heard about the healing of the sick boy.
Next Story: Jesus is Rejected in Nazareth
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