| Jonah and the Whale Bible Word Search Game |
JONAH DID NOT WANT to preach to the Ninevites, an enemy people. When he finally brought God's message to them, they repented. The story of Jonah shows that even prophets sometimes run away from what God wants them to do, yet can experience God's love and compassion. See how many words about Jonah and the whale you can find in this puzzle. |
- To circle a word you find, mouse-click on one end of the word and mouse-drag to the other end of the word.
- Words may be hidden horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forward, or backward.
- With help to find a word, click on the word in the list, then click on Find Words button.
- You can rescramble the words at any time. The Rescramble button rescrambles the words and starts the game over.
- Note: If you are having problems with these games loading properly, you may need to upgrade the Java on your computer.
You can do that at Sun's Java Site. On a Mac, Safari works flawlessly.
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