| The Apostles Bible Word Search Game |
THE WORD APOSTLE means a messenger, or one sent with a mission. The original twelve disciples are listed as apostles in Matthew 10:2-4. After Judas betrayed Christ, Matthias was chosen by the Holy Spirit to take his place. The Apostle Paul was chosen by Jesus in Acts 9:3-6, and Barnabas is also mentioned as being an apostle in Acts 14:14. Jesus is called The Apostle in Hebrews 3:1. See how many of the Apostles you can find in this puzzle. |
- To circle a word you find, mouse-click on one end of the word and mouse-drag to the other end of the word.
- Words may be hidden horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forward, or backward.
- With help to find a word, click on the word in the list, then click on Find Words button.
- You can rescramble the words at any time. The Rescramble button rescrambles the words and starts the game over.
- Note: If you are having problems with these games loading properly, you may need to upgrade the Java on your computer.
You can do that at Sun's Java Site. On a Mac, Safari works flawlessly.
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